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Posted on Jan 14, 2014
Posted on Feb 9, 2014
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Posted on Oct 29, 2014
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Auto-translated from Russian

I take capsules of this super berries constantly. It was interesting to find out what juice berries taste. It is sweet, quite tasty. Cherny here is present as an aftertaste, mostly dominated by acai. The secret of acai berries scientists was discovered only in 2004. Conducting scientific research in the Amazonian tropical Forests, doctors surprised by the fact that locals who spend a lot of time in the sun without clothes, do not have skin diseases and cancer, look very young and remain viable and energy until old age. The daily use of this Berries and was the cause of heroic health and longevity of natives. The secret of the acai berry lies in the beneficial substances of the human body and their quantity contained in a wonderful berry. Asai is rich in high iron content, vitamins B1 and E. It has low cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system, promotes muscle regeneration (which is especially important for athletes), it is recommended Patients with anemia. Acai berries have the ability to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can not but interest people caring about the state of their cardiovascular system. If you use berries Asai as a daily supplement to your diet, then you will soon see amazing results and get rid of excess weight. The acai berry can purify the body of toxins and slow the aging process. The skin acquires a youthful, healthy appearance, improves the condition of the hair and nails. Provides amazing energy , Strengthens vitality. Improves memory, sleep, increases the ability to concentrate memory, slows premature aging of the brain. And more! Acai improves sexual health in men and women, it is called Viagra Amazon.