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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 1, 2011
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I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and hopefully set a new bar for my reviews from now on. So here it goes. Dosing: Recommended is 2 scoops intraworkout. Me personally I'll use 2 scoops and mix with accelerade(performance drink used for endurance has 5g of protein and carbs to keep energized). I'll mix with 25-35oz and sip throughout workout. Ingredient Profile: 10 Micronized L-Leucine, Micronized L-Isoleucine, Micronized L-Valine, L-Alanyl-LGlutamine (Sustamine) Has everything you need with a 8:1:1 ratio. Mixability: 9 The mixability in this was great. With its "ultra micronized" blend it seemed to work well. You shake it for 15-30 seconds and works best with cold water. Sometimes it will foam and some of the powder will float to the top, but it didn't bother me in the least. Taste: 9 I believe if it works I could care less about how it tastes, but I'll rate anyway. It tastes alright nothing great, but not bad either. Not as good as Xtend watermellon, but the thing I like is that its all natural flavors and not artificial with food coloring. So it looks white, but I do mix usually with accelerade and it will turn blue anyway. I tried the white blue rasberry and with the accelerade mountain berry it tastes great. Value: 9 I found mBCAA anywhere from 18.17€ to 21.8€ If taking recommended dosing(2 scoops intra) it will come with 35 servings. The say you can take another serving or one scoop post workout, but my post is ON's Pro Complex which has 14g of BCAAs so I was good and it lasts me a good while. On off days or just cardio days I would have 1-2 scoops for the mindset of increasing my chances of no soreness. Effectiveness: 10 Now we get to the good part. So before this I was just using Pro Complex with all the amino acids and basically included that as my recovery product. I was also taking kre-alkalyn 1500, but it was time to cycle off it. I always fear cycling off creatine because my recovery between sets diminish. Well mBCAA was the answer. It is most effective for recovery for the next day. You do squats and the next day your not as sore, but this also helps with between sets as well. So anybody cycling off creatine needs to try this product. I recently just got back on creatine with the addition of mBCAA recovery all in all is amazing and personally at an all time high. We all know that leg day and back day(mostly deadlifts) are the days we fear in how bad its going to hurt the following day, but the sorenesses decreased significantly. I'm always weary in doing more than a couple sets of real heavy weight because of soreness, but I decided to do three heavy sets of squats(315) and the next day I did feel soreness, but not the whole it sucks to stretch my legs because it hurts or I'll cramp. Same thing with deadlifts I can try and lift my max and feel content and not scared of the next day. I'm a believer in this product and its 8:1:1 ratio. Overall: 10 I give it a ten because I can't imagine my workouts without it. Its perfect when cycling off creatine and perfect for recovery as its main purpose. I feel like on off days I just want to get back in the gym and at least do something. My off days are the day after legs and the day after back and simply the soreness just decreased. The ingredient profile is impressive and can't really think of anything really missing. Stacked with Pro Complex and Kre-Alkalyn I think this product shined greatly. I know there are other good options like Xtend, Pur