1 Reviews - ProLab, Caffeine, 200 mg, 100 Tablets - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Oct 30, 2013
Verified Purchase

This product by Prolab has high potency of 200mg Caffeine and 75mg Calcium in it. The best part is, it is very cost effective. As it is in tablet form, you can easily split/cut the tablet to 1/2 or 1/4 if you find the dosage of a single full tablet of 200mg is too high or you simply want to try and adjust the dosage slowly depending on how your body responds. This is extremely useful and crucial for those who are new to high dosage of Caffeine supplement and building body tolerance as to minimize the side effects of Caffeine including palpitation, headache and rising blood pressure. Choose your Caffeine dosage carefully and see how it works for you. Caffeine itself is an incredibly well researched topic in medical science field. Caffeine is a potent stimulant and typically used as a standard due to its social renown. Caffeine has the mechanisms to increase metabolic rate and fat loss. Best usage for caffeine as a stimulant for weight loss should be in conjunction with caloric deficits. Caffeine also appears to work similar in cognitive stress as it does in physical stress, augmenting a stress-induced spike in cortisol concentrations. In regards to Caffeine's stimulatory properties, dosages are highly variable and best evaluated with one's own experience. If you have never used caffeine supplements before, it is best to start in the lowest possible dosage and work upwards. Taking everything into account, I highly recommend this high quality product. I am a strong advocate on scientific medical research and evidence-based information, and constantly want to differentiate between marketing hyperbole and real world effects. I hope you'll find my review Helpful to you. Best wishes and good health to everyone!