1 Reviews - Nutricology, Organic Supplement, .21 oz (6 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Dec 18, 2013
Verified Purchase

This is a VERY potent blood thinner - the most potent I can recall. If you're taking any kind of blood thinner (medication or supplements), have low calcium or vitamin K (and therefore low blood pressure) - I do not recommend you take this. If my experience is anything to go by, it won't be a pleasant one - trust me. I bought/tried it before knowing about the blood thinning effect, and, unpleasantness aside, I'm now back to nosebleeds where before they were rare. This is also an antagonist of (or synergist, but may lower further if already too low) - iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, B5 - suggest avoiding if you have a health issue that relies on supplementation of any of these. Good sources of germanium include: dairy, meat, chlorella, ginseng, garlic, aloe vera, sushi, comfrey, watercress, onions, whole wheat, reishi/shiitake mushrooms - I suggest trying some of those first/instead, unless you know you specifically need germanium (and even then, please take care if also taking blood thinning supplements, e.g. fish oil, or medication, or low blood pressure is an issue for you - start with very small amounts). I took less than the recommended dose and even that was potent enough to cause nosebleeds to return. It doesn't taste bad - ever so slightly tart, like a very weak organic acid - you wouldn't notice it in anything other than water. It mixes easily in a small amount of water with no clumps. If this review was helpful to you, please click YES below - thank you. For reviews of all the products I have purchased from iHerb, please click my username above.

Posted on Jan 8, 2013
Posted on Nov 4, 2008