1 Reviews - GloryBee, Agave Stix, Organic Agave, 5 Stix - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Dec 19, 2013
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Posted on Sep 13, 2011
Posted on Nov 5, 2013
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Posted on Jun 16, 2012
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Auto-translated from Russian

The taste is somehow incomprehensible, there's nothing to catch, probably because it's too refined, since it's so transparent. It seems to be very sweet, and at the same time I want to add more. Taste all the time eludes my receptors. As a result, it turns out lusciously, even with some metallic taste. The quality is good, organic nectar, produced in Mexico. Agave syrup is about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar. At the same time, it has a lower glycemic index, and consequently, the use of agave syrup for food does not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar levels. In addition, agave is a natural source of inulin, a polysaccharide, which promotes the development of protective probiotics in our gastrointestinal tract. Agave juice improves metabolism, has a calming effect on the nervous system and removes excess fluid from the body. The taste of nectar is especially good in cold and hot drinks, cottage cheese and baked goods. And its increased sweetness means economical use. The agave syrup is obtained as follows: The plant is pressed and its juice is collected into vessels, heated to about 60 degrees and maintained for about 36 hours - this is done not only for evaporation of moisture, but also for obtaining a sweet taste. Carbohydrates of agave juice, mainly - complex forms of fructose (so-called fructozans), among them and inulin. In its original form, the juice is not very sweet.  When heated, complex fructosans are hydrolyzed, i.e. Decay into fructose chains. The fructose-rich solution is then filtered to obtain the desired product - from a dark syrup with a characteristic vanilla flavor, to a light amber liquid with a more neutral odor and taste. Fructose (refined) interferes with the formation of collagen and elastin, the substances responsible for the connection of tissues. Studies suggest that fructose leads to diseases faster than glucose. This is because glucose is absorbed throughout the body, while fructose is only forced to deal with the liver.